How to display recursive structure?

I want to display a form with a recursive hierarchy, such as folders and files.

    module.exports = {
        root: [
            { file:"file0" },
            { file:"file1" },
            { folder: [ 
                { file:"file2" },
                { file:"file3" } 
<StackPanel ux:Class="Folder">
    <object ux:Property="Path"/>
    <Each Items="{Property Path}">
        <WhileEmpty Items="{folder}">
            <Text Value="{file}"/>
        <WhileNotEmpty Items="{folder}">
            <Text>--sub folder--</Text>
            <Folder Path="{folder}"/>
    <Folder Path="{root}"/>

When I ran the above file I got an exception.

 Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException.

Can you tell me what I did wrong?

There is probably a reference loop in your code. For this usecase you should try <Match><Case /></Match>. It has the right facilities for this. Take a look at this example:


		function file(name) {
			return new entry("file", name, null);

		function dir(name,entries) {
			return new entry("dir", name, entries);

		function entry(type,name,entries) {
			this.type = type; = name;
			if (entries)
				this.entries = entries;

		module.exports = {
			root: new dir("root", [
				new file("file0"),
				new file("file1"),
				new dir("subdir", [
					new file("file2"),
					new file("file3"),
					new file("file4"),
						new dir("subdir", [
							new dir("subdir", [
								new file("file2"),
								new file("file3"),
								new file("file4"),
		<Each ux:Class="DirUnpack">
			<Match Value="{type}">
				<Case String="file">
					<Text Value="{name}" />
				<Case String="dir">
						<Text Value="{name}"/>
						<StackPanel Margin="10,0,0,0">
							<DirUnpack Items="{entries}" />
		<DirUnpack Items="{root.entries}" />


You can’t use a <Folder> directly within the ux:Class="Folder", you can only use that inside a template, for example inside an <Each>.

You an also use

  <Each Items="{something}" MatchKey="type">
       <Folder ux:Template="folder">...</Folder>
       <File ux:Template="file">...</File>

This will instantiate either File or Folder based on the type property on the data object, for example { foo: "bar", type: "folder" } will create a Folder

This works fine.
Thank you!