Hi everyone,
I had a problem when I try to set a property between 2 “.ux” files, for example I want to change the property “Height” of a “Rectangle” (called “RectangleSubView”) inside the SubView.ux
<Button Text="Change in MainView (+)">
<Set Target="RectangleMainView.Height" Increment="10"/>
<Button Text="Change in MainView (-)">
<Set Target="RectangleMainView.Height" Increment="-10"/>
<Rectangle ux:Name="RectangleMainView" Width="250" Height="50" Background="#FF0000" />
<!-- SubView Buttons Controllers -->
<Button Text="Change in SubView (+)">
<!-- How I must to set the "Target" to change the "Height" value -->
<!-- <Set Target="RectangleSubView.Height" Increment="10"/> -->
<Button Text="Change in SubView (-)">
<!-- How I must to set the "Target" to change the "Height" value -->
<!-- <Set Target="RectangleSubView.Height" Increment="-10"/> -->
<!-- Start the External UX (SubView.ux) -->
<SubView />
<!-- End the External UX (SubView.ux) -->