Hey , i have a list of items and each items have this swipe left animation that i use to remove the current item.
i´m trying to make it reusable , but with a dynamically content.
I tried to use “CONTAINER” with subtree , but it didn´t work.
here is my code:
<StackPanel >
<Each Count="2">
<Panel Color="White" Padding="5,10">
<SwipeGesture ux:Name="swipeLeft" LengthNode="panelNode" Direction="Left" Type="Active" />
<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeLeft">
<Move X="-0.3" RelativeTo="Size"/>
<!-- Change [opacity,color] of the panel that has "remove" text -->
<SwipingAnimation Source="swipeLeft">
<Change removePanel.Opacity="1" Duration="0.5" />
<Change removePanel.Color="Red" />
<!-- dynamically Content goes here-->
<StackPanel ItemSpacing="4">
<Text Value="Thisway" TextWrapping="Wrap" Alignment="Left" FontSize="15" Color="Black" />
<Text Value="Promoção! Sanduiche novo promocional grátis" TextWrapping="Wrap" Alignment="Left" FontSize="14" />
<Text Value="16/10/2017 ás 14:15" TextWrapping="Wrap" Alignment="Left" FontSize="10" />
<HorizontalLine Margin="0,0,0,-10" />
<!-- / dynamically Content-->
<!-- remove panel content -->
<Grid ColumnCount="1" ux:Name="removePanel" Opacity="0">
<StackPanel ux:Name="panelNode" Orientation="Horizontal" Alignment="CenterRight">
<Text Value="Remove" Color="White" Alignment="CenterRight" />
<!-- Removing the element from list will trigger this -->
<Move RelativeTo="Size" Y="-1" Duration="0.4" Easing="CircularInOut" />
<!-- Removing the element from list will trigger this-->
<Move RelativeTo="LayoutChange" Y="1" Duration="0.8" Easing="CircularInOut" />
Any ideias ?