Here’s my code, for some reason boo is not being called.
I suspect the mapview is taking over the tapped event because when you tap the text, the map zooms in.
Anyway i can prevent this bubbling of events like in the HTML DOM spec?
<Page ux:Class="MapPage">
<ux:Include File="../shared/fonts.ux"/>
var boo = function(){
console.log("Text clicked on map view!");
module.exports = {
<Panel Dock="Top" Height="60" Color="#ffffff" Margin="0,40,0,0" Padding="20,20,20,20" Width="90%">
<Text Font="Light" Clicked="{boo}">Request package delivery</Text>
<MapView Latitude="59.911567" Longitude="10.741030" Zoom="10" ShowMyLocation="True">
<MapMarker Latitude="59.911567" Longitude="10.741030" Label="Fuse HQ"/>