
Hi guys,

I’m trying to use fuse-google-analytics but I can’t seem to make this work with fuse 1.0.0. I’m trying to run the example code.

../Google.Analytics/Google.Analytics.uno(188.34): E3114: There is no identifier named 'ApplicationState' accessible in this scope. Did you mean 'ApplicationState' (as in Fuse.Platform.ApplicationState) or 'ApplicationState' (as in Uno.Platform.ApplicationState)? For example, try adding 'using Fuse.Platform;' to the top of the code file. Could you be missing a package reference?

I added using Uno.Plataform;

Then I build/preview it again and

../Google.Analytics/JS.uno(26.13): E3109: 'Resource' is ambiguous
Candidates are: Uno.UX.Resource
/Users/anaalmeida/Downloads/fuse-google-analytics-master/Google.Analytics/JS.uno(26,14): Error E3109: 'Resource' is ambiguous
Candidates are: Uno.UX.Resource
../Google.Analytics/JS.uno(33.27): E3105: Uno.Platform2 does not contain type or namespace 'Application'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/anaalmeida/Downloads/fuse-google-analytics-master/Google.Analytics/JS.uno(33,28): Error E3105: Uno.Platform2 does not contain type or namespace 'Application'. Could you be missing a package reference?
(1.4 s)

Changed the line 26 in the file ‘JS.uno’ from Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance = this, "Google/Analytics"); to Uno.UX.Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance = this, "Google/Analytics");

But don’t know what to do with the other error.

Any fix for this? Am I missing something? Did anyone could make this work?


Hey Ana,

I suggest you file an issue on the community package repo: https://github.com/ErickTamayo/fuse-google-analytics/issues

The project apparently hasn’t been updated to work on 1.0.0, so the owner should be kindly asked to do so.

Hi Uldis,

Just did it. I was checking out if someone here had the same problem and had a solution to be quicker.

Thanks for your reply.

Hello again,

So I posted an issue on the community package repo almost a month ago and I had no answer.
In the meantime, I was trying to figure out this issue by myself with no avail.

As I stated before, the error is

E3105: Uno.Platform2 does not contain type or namespace 'Application'. Could you be missing a package reference?

I was to the Full Uno Class Reference and there is no Platform2. So I start reading the change logs of each release and found this:

version 0.33.0
All core libraries that touched Platform2 events have been updated to use Platform rather than Platform2

But in the Uno.Platform there is no Application.

So I’m stuck here. Can somebody shed me some light on this, please?

Hi Ana,

took a stab at it, and the project now at least builds for me after the changes I did. Has not been tested if it works on actual devices, but that’s beyond the scope of this discussion.

You can follow the status of that ticket and see what changes were made, and apply that to your local checkout of the project.

Hope this helps!

Hi Uldis,

Thank you for taking a look at this. Just tested it and it works fine, it builds and it shows the data in analytics.