Hi guys,
I’m trying to use fuse-google-analytics but I can’t seem to make this work with fuse 1.0.0. I’m trying to run the example code.
../Google.Analytics/Google.Analytics.uno(188.34): E3114: There is no identifier named 'ApplicationState' accessible in this scope. Did you mean 'ApplicationState' (as in Fuse.Platform.ApplicationState) or 'ApplicationState' (as in Uno.Platform.ApplicationState)? For example, try adding 'using Fuse.Platform;' to the top of the code file. Could you be missing a package reference?
I added using Uno.Plataform;
Then I build/preview it again and
../Google.Analytics/JS.uno(26.13): E3109: 'Resource' is ambiguous
Candidates are: Uno.UX.Resource
/Users/anaalmeida/Downloads/fuse-google-analytics-master/Google.Analytics/JS.uno(26,14): Error E3109: 'Resource' is ambiguous
Candidates are: Uno.UX.Resource
../Google.Analytics/JS.uno(33.27): E3105: Uno.Platform2 does not contain type or namespace 'Application'. Could you be missing a package reference?
/Users/anaalmeida/Downloads/fuse-google-analytics-master/Google.Analytics/JS.uno(33,28): Error E3105: Uno.Platform2 does not contain type or namespace 'Application'. Could you be missing a package reference?
(1.4 s)
Changed the line 26 in the file ‘JS.uno’ from Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance = this, "Google/Analytics");
to Uno.UX.Resource.SetGlobalKey(_instance = this, "Google/Analytics");
But don’t know what to do with the other error.
Any fix for this? Am I missing something? Did anyone could make this work?