Flashlight Implementation

Hi all, I’m new to Fuse and just to get started with Uno and Foreign Code I thought of making a simple app which turns on and off the flashlight. I’m starting with Android and until now I only can ask for permissions and check if the device has a camera. I’m hoping someone could give me some tips how to do this or tell me what I’m doing wrong.

My uno code:

public class Flashlight : NativeModule
bool isFlashlightOn = false;
bool permissionFlashlight = false;

public Flashlight(){
    if defined(Android){
        //Ask for permissions
        Permissions.Request(Permissions.Android.CAMERA).Then(PermissionAccepted, PermissionRejected);
    AddMember(new NativeFunction("getPermissionStatus", (NativeCallback)GetPermissionStatus));
    AddMember(new NativeFunction("hasFlashlight", (NativeCallback)HasFlashlight));
    AddMember(new NativeFunction("turnFlashlightOn", (NativeCallback)TurnFlashlightOn));
    AddMember(new NativeFunction("turnFlashlightOff", (NativeCallback)TurnFlashlightOff));

//If permission was accepted
private void PermissionAccepted(PlatformPermission permission){
    permissionFlashlight = true;
    debug_log "Permited: " + permission;

//If permission was denied
private void PermissionRejected(Exception reason){
    permissionFlashlight = false;
    debug_log "Error: " + reason.Message;

//Get the status of the permissions. true if accepted, otherwise false
object GetPermissionStatus(Context c, object[] args){
    return permissionFlashlight;                

//Check if the device supports flashlight
object HasFlashlight(Context c, object[] args){
    return HasFlashlight();                

//Turn the flashlight on
object TurnFlashlightOn(Context c, object[] args){
    return null;           

//Turn the flashlight off
object TurnFlashlightOff(Context c, object[] args){
    return null;        
static extern(Android) bool HasFlashlight()
    PackageManager pm = com.fuse.Activity.getRootActivity().getPackageManager();
    return pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_CAMERA_FLASH);

static extern(Android) void TurnFlashlightOn()
    Camera cam = Camera.open();
    Parameters p = cam.getParameters();

static extern(Android) void TurnFlashlightOff()
    Camera cam = Camera.open();
    Parameters p = cam.getParameters();

static extern(!(iOS||Android)) bool HasFlashlight(){
return false;

static extern(!(iOS||Android)) void TurnFlashlightOn(){
    return false;

static extern(!(iOS||Android)) void TurnFlashlightOff(){
    return false;


(sorry for the formatting, dunno what happened.)

Hi, what exactly is the problem you’re having?