fetch not responding when there is a timeout function in the server


i don’t know if that bug is related to:


in my node.js server i have 2 functions:

exports.loginUser = function(req, res) {
  var params = querystring.parse(req.params.params);
  var param_userName = params["userName"];   
  console.log("login user..");

  result =
    "id": 1,
    "username": "myName"
  JSONresp = { "request": req.url, "result": "OK", "data": result};
  res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});

this one is fetched with no problem BUT if i add a timeout fuse hangs forever waiting the response:

exports.loginUser = function(req, res) {
  var params = querystring.parse(req.params.params);
  var param_userName = params["userName"];   
  console.log("login user..");

  setTimeout( function() { 
        result =
          "id": 1,
          "username": "myName"
        JSONresp = { "request": req.url, "result": "OK", "data": result};
        res.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"});
    }, 1000)

both work when requested from browser url.

i found that bug when doing some testing on how to handle requests that took a while to process and even i don’t need that timeout function i guess that may help you to know what is going wrong.

On what platform is this? Is it on desktop preview or on device?


My problem was that i was having those problems just in my mobile (ios) but never in local so trying to know what was happening i did that testing (the one in my previous post) trying to reproduce it i in local (both node server and app (mac))

Anyway: now i am facing that problem in local (i’ll do more testing later (now at work))


After a few testing it seems it depends on the timeout value:

the lower the timeout is set in the node.js server the more likely is to work. I guess fuse has some kind of timeout for the fetch promises.

I also noticed that when testing on my device even if the server answered the request fast it could get stuck if my connection was slow.


it seems there was something wrong in my code (i was using the loading button example): https://www.fusetools.com/examples/loading-button

but i will try to find out what was wrong in case it was a bug (as even if the code was so so it makes no sense that a fetch request made the app not responding when not answered by the server)

Interesting, thank you for looking into it.