Error: Property binding between incompatible types

Hi! I have something like this in my app:

<Each Items="{Images}>
    <Image File="{Image}" />
and in my JS:

var Images = Observable();

function ImageJs(Image) {
    this.Image = Image;

function TakePicture(){
	function(image) {
	    var args = { desiredWidth:200, desiredHeight:200, mode:ImageTools.SCALE_AND_CROP, performInPlace:true };
	    ImageTools.resize(image, args).then(
	        function(image) {
				Images.add(new ImageJs(image.path));
	        function(reason) {
	            console.log("Couldn't resize image: "+reason);
		    console.log("Couldn't take picture: "+reason);

But when I take the picture I get:

Error: Property binding between incompatible types: Cannot convert (Uno.String) to File (Uno.UX.FileSource) in Fuse.Reactive.ReadPropertyBinding</Users/GF/Library/Application Support/Fusetools/Packages/FuseCore/0.45.5/reactive/$.uno:183>

How can I solve this? Thanks!