Following the wonderful video demo at I would like to also create a drop down with a disabled option, similar to the disabled attribute in the HTML option tag.
What would be the best way to do this given the link above? A working example would be most appreciated
You are expected to first share whatever code you have tried to create yourself. We can help solve issues may you run into any.
In general, the approach could be as simple as passing a boolean property to a ux:Class, and then using Change to describe how a “disabled” option looks like and behaves.
Needless to say, the IsDisabled property could be fed into UX from JavaScript. That would make it even simpler, because you could then check in a Clicked handler if the option is or is not disabled as well.
Also, you will want to spend some time reading about Componentization.
Thanks for the feedback, I was able to resolve this against the combobox in the Fuse samples github repository with the following:
Add a data model level disabled line,
PaymentPage.js: 3-8
var paymentOpts = {
cash: { label: "Cash", desc: "Have cash ready at the door.", disabled: true },
credit: { label: "Credit Card", desc: "Pay now with a credit card.", disabled: false },
paypal: { label: "PayPal", desc: "Pay in advance with PayPal.", disabled: false },
coupon: { label: "Coupon", desc: "Have your coupon ready at the door.", disabled: false },
Change the mapOptions to include this option with,
PaymentPage.js: 45-52ish
// converts our own options object into an array of options for an `Each`
function mapOptions(opts) {
return Object.keys(opts).map(function(key) {
return { value: key,
label: opts[key].label,
disabled: opts[key].disabled };
Then in the UX, wrap the dropdown list Tapped with something like