Corrupted Memory Reports and App Crashes

Hi Fusers,

I’ve been getting constant app crashes related to memory. It has been happening for a while now … I believe since the release of 0.21 but I have been so tied up with work there has been no time for me to deal with it and report.

Here is the recent crash log:

Unhandled Exception: System.AccessViolationException: Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that other memory is corrupt.
   at Fuse.Scripting.V8.Simple.v8PINVOKE.Function_Call(HandleRef jarg1, HandleRef jarg2)
   at Fuse.Scripting.V8.Simple.Function.Call(ValueVector args)
   at Fuse.Scripting.V8.Function.Call(Object[] args) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Scripting.V8\0.32.9\$.uno:line 660
   at Fuse.Scripting.Context.ObjectDefineProperty(Object obj, String name, Callback getProperty, Callback setProperty, Boolean enumerable, Boolean configurable) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.32.9\Scripting\$.uno:line 641
   at Fuse.Reactive.LazyObservableProperty..ctor(ThreadWorker w, Object obj, Property p) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 2293
   at Fuse.Reactive.RootableScriptModule.EnsureRooted(Context context) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 1844
   at Fuse.Reactive.RootableScriptModule.Evaluate(Context c, ModuleResult result) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 1821
   at Fuse.Scripting.Module.Evaluate(Context c, String id) in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\FuseCore\0.32.9\Scripting\$.uno:line 787
   at Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript.EvaluateModule() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 1325
   at Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript.EvaluateExports() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 1308
   at Fuse.Reactive.JavaScript.EvaluateDataContext.Evaluate() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 1291
   at Fuse.Reactive.ThreadWorker.RunInner() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 2527
   at Fuse.Reactive.ThreadWorker.Run() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Fuse.Reactive\0.32.9\$.uno:line 2474
   at Uno.Threading.CILThread.StartClosure() in C:\ProgramData\Uno\Packages\Uno.Threading\0.32.2\Implementation\Cil\$.uno:line 70
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart_Context(Object state)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx)
   at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
   at System.Threading.ThreadHelper.ThreadStart()

Can you guys please take a look. Is this normal and what might be an example of causes for this crash?

If anyone else has experienced such crashes please chip in.

Thanks! :slight_smile:




Fuse Version = v.0.22.0 (build 6974)

OS = Windows 10

Target = Local Preview


Thanks for reporting this. Can you please upload a test case on the url below and describe steps to reproduce the problem? Thanks!

Got your test case, but it runs fine. Need precise steps to reproduce the error.

Hi Anders!

Thanks for the replY back.

I haven’t sent you any test case for this?! It must have been someone else.

It’s hard to build a repro for this because even in my large app … it is occurring inconsistently. After a couple of changes and local preview reloads … etc. Anyhow, I will give it a try to reproduce the error with a test case and upload it after.

Do you have any idea what this might be? The possible causes of this error?



Nope, no idea at all. Need a test case :slight_smile: