Chart / c:DataSeries

I did not understand English and I wrote it with a translator. Sorry.


I’m making a chart with fuse.


I created an Observable and bound it to the DataSeries.

Exports.values1 = Observable (
{Value: 10000, label: "A", upH: "20", downH: 10, color: "0000"},

{Value: 8000, label: "B", upH: "5", downH: 40, color: "0000"},

{Value: 30000, label: "C", upH: "15", downH: 5, color: "0000"},

{Value: 15500, label: "D", upH: "40", downH: 0, color: "0000"},

{Value: 23700, label: "E", upH: "10", downH: 10, color: "0000"},

{Value: 9000, label: "F", upH: "40", downH: 10, color: "0000"},

{Value: 40000, label: "G", upH: "6", downH: 25, color: "0000"},

{Value: 18000, label: "H", upH: "40", downH: 5, color: "0000"},

{Value: 1100, label: "I", upH: "10", downH: 35, color: "0000"},

{Value: 24000, label: "J", upH: "15", downH: 20, color: "0000"}


Text Value = “{Plot axis.value}” We have set the data in this form.

C: PlotData <— In the area

Text Value = “{Plot data.label}” this is only normal.

UpH, downH, color data can not be imported.

Can not set and import user-defined variables?

I found a way.

To access data in my defined JSON

Var item = Observable (
   {Value: 200, label: "A" upH: 20}

{{Plot data.object} .upH}

This will get the value of upH.

I write for someone who has a phenomenon like me.