Building Android app, (unknown): E0200: Android build failed

Uno 1.10.0-rc1 (build 187) Windows 10 x64 b79b2df
Copyright © 2018-present Fuse Open

0.18 s
Target is up-to-date – stopping build (pass --force to override)
Building Android app

WARNING: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (26.0.0) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (27.0.3) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.1.3.

{"cookie":"","inReplyTo":"configure","message":"CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.","title":"Error","type":"message"}
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "Ninja". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
Configuration failed.

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

  • What went wrong:
    Execution failed for task ':app:generateJsonModelDebug'.
    > Error configuring

  • Try:
    Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

  • Get more help at


(unknown): E0200: Android build failed

fuse: Errors were encountered while building the project

it seems that you need Ninja, you can use brew, then use brew install ninja, if you already have brew, make sure its up-to-date too before trying to install ninja