I am trying to achieve a very common effect.The idea is to implement a bottom dock with circle tag which scales when swiping.I am able to achieve desired result But the problem is that i cant seem to bring forward the current active ItemCard.
This is my ItemCard.
<Panel ux:Class="ItemCard" Width="150" Height="150" Opacity="0.75" ZOffset="0.0" >
<FileSource ux:Property="ImageFile"/>
<Change this.Opacity="1" Duration="1" />
<Change this.ZOffset="1.0" />
<EnteringAnimation Scale="0.25">
<Move RelativeTo="Size">
<Keyframe Time="0.25" X="-0.7" Y="0" />
<Keyframe Time="0.5" X="-1.3" Y="0" />
<Keyframe Time="0.75" X="-1.5" Y="0" />
<Keyframe Time="1" X="-1.8" Y="0" />
<Scale RelativeNode="OuterCircle" Factor="0.00000025" Duration="1"/>
<ExitingAnimation Scale="0.25">
<Move RelativeTo="Size">
<Keyframe Time="0.25" X="0.7" Y="0" />
<Keyframe Time="0.5" X="1.3" Y="0" />
<Keyframe Time="0.75" X="1.5" Y="0" />
<Keyframe Time="1" X="1.8" Y="0" />
<Scale Factor="0.00000025" Duration="1"/>
<Circle ux:Name="OuterCircle" Color="#fff6" Margin="0,0,0,0" ClipToBounds="True">
<Circle Color="#000" Margin="6" ClipToBounds="True">
<ImageFill File="{}"/>
As u can see the previous circle overlaps the next circle.How would I remove it…?
My BottomBar Class
<Each Items="{items}">
<Grid ux:Name="item" Rows="240" >
<ItemCard ImageFile="{image}" >
<NavigateTo Target="item" />
The Design is modification of Angled navigation …