On Saturday this code worked just fine:
for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
dataFromSpekter.add( {name: "Programpost " + post++, type: "Programtype" + Math.floor(Math.random() 5 + 1), date: Math.floor(Math.random() 4)} );
But on Sunday it just added null to the list. I have checked the output in debug_log and searched the forums, but not found any answers.
This shows me that the items get created, but that an error occures when adding it to my list:
for (var i = 0; i < 25; i++) {
var item = ({name: "Programpost " + post++, type: "Programtype" + i, date: i});
debug_log(item.name); dataFromSpekter.add(item);
This is extremly confusing! Any idea why?
It is hard to tell what’s going on from just these islolated lines. Can you please provide a full test case? Thanks.
If the list is an observable then I don’t think you can use array syntax to access its entries (in the last debug_log).
How did you verify that everything was working on Saturday?
SHOOT! Very sorry you guys, found the issue.
I did a refactoring where i moved this:
<Panel ux:Class="InfoView" ux:AutoBind="false">
<Move X="1" RelativeTo="ParentSize" />
<Move X="-1" RelativeTo="ParentSize" />
<Text>Welcome to page 2!</Text>
<Button Text="Go Back" Clicked="{navigateToProgramPage}"/>
into a file called InfoView.ux and used it in the same place in the code like this:
<InfoView ux:Name="infoPage" Background="#555"/>
But then, since it was placed above my tabbedPage in the MainView.ux file, it placed it self on the top instead. So now i learned that when I move a page to its own file, remove the surrounding <Panel>
Thanks for “making” me create a demo-project
Great that it worked out!