Fatal Signal 11 and I don't know why

So I’ve been working on a new version of my app, starting from the ground up, trying to incorporate a Context/Backend (which I’m still trying to figure out). Here’s the GitHub (https://github.com/Hahnstrong/SASi-New).

Anyways, I’m not sure how this broke, and I’ve been trying to figure it out for awhile, but I’ve had no success. For some reason, on one of my pages, when I click a button simply to progress to the next page, I get this error message

"Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1, fault addr 0x7 in tid 13625 (Thread-3)"

Here is the UX and JS code for that page

 <SASi.Page ux:Class="VehicleListPage">
	<Router ux:Dependency="router" />

	<JavaScript File="VehicleListPage.js" />


		<SASi.Text FontSize="30" TextAlignment="Center" Dock="Top" Margin="0,50">Your Vehicles</SASi.Text>

		<Grid Dock="Bottom">
			<SASi.Button Text="Add Vehicle" Clicked="{goToVehicleCreate}" />

				<Rectangle ux:Class="Separator" Height="1" Fill="#fff4" />

				<Each Items="{vehicles}" >
					<Separator />

					<Panel HitTestMode="LocalBoundsAndChildren" Clicked="{goToVehicleInfo}">
						<SASi.Text Value="{model}" Margin="20" />

							<Scale Factor=".95" Duration=".08" Easing="QuadraticOut" />
				<Separator />

	<Activated Handler="{viewLoaded}" />

var Context = require("Modules/Context");

function goToVehicleCreate() {

function viewLoaded() {

module.exports = {
  vehicles: Context.vehicles,

  goToVehicleCreate: goToVehicleCreate,
  viewLoaded: viewLoaded,

And here is the code for the page that should be loaded.

<SASi.Page ux:Class="VehicleInfoPage">
	<Router ux:Dependency="router" />

	<JavaScript File="VehicleInfoPage.js" />

		<Grid ColumnCount="2" RowCount="2" Dock="Bottom">
			<SASi.Button Text="Order Services for this Vehicle" ColumnSpan="2" Clicked="{goToSelections}" />
			<SASi.Button Text="Cancel" Clicked="{cancel}" />
			<SASi.Button Text="Save" Clicked="{save}" />


			<StackPanel ItemSpacing="10" Padding="10">
				<SASi.Text Opacity=".6" Margin="0,0,0,5" />

					<SASi.Text>*Required Information</SASi.Text>
					<SASi.Text>*Vehicle Year:            ex. 2010 </SASi.Text>
					<SASi.TextBox Value="{vyear}" InputHint="Number" />

					<SASi.Text>*Vehicle Make:           ex. Ford </SASi.Text>
					<SASi.TextBox Value="{vmake}" AutoCorrectHint="Enabled" AutoCapitalizationHint="Words" />

					<SASi.Text>*Vehicle Model:          ex. F150 </SASi.Text>
					<SASi.TextBox Value="{vmodel}" AutoCorrectHint="Enabled" AutoCapitalizationHint="Words" />

					<SASi.Text>Prefered Fuel Type:    ex. Unleaded</SASi.Text>
					<SASi.TextBox Value="{fuelType}" AutoCorrectHint="Enabled" AutoCapitalizationHint="Words" />

					<SASi.Text>Additional Notes:        ex. Oil type, special requests...</SASi.Text>
					<SASi.TextView Value="{comments}" TextAlignment="Left" Height="80" AutoCorrectHint="Enabled" AutoCapitalizationHint="Sentences" />

				<SASi.Text Value="{info}" Color="#FF0000" TextWrapping="Wrap"/>

var Observable = require("FuseJS/Observable");
var Context = require("Modules/Context");
var UUID = require('UUIDModule');

var vyear = Observable("");
var vmake = Observable("");
var vmodel = Observable("");
var fueltType = Observable("");
var comments = Observable("");
var info = Observable("");

var guid = UUID.getUUID();
var id = JSON.stringify(guid);

function save() {
    Context.updateVehicle(id, vyear, vmake, vmodel, fuelType, comments);

function goToSelections() {


function cancel() {


function viewLoaded() {

module.exports = {
    vyear: vyear,
    vmake: vmake,
    vmodel: vmodel,
    fuelType: fuelType,
    comments: comments,

    cancel: cancel,
    save: save,
    goToSelections: goToSelections,
    info: info,

    viewLoaded: viewLoaded,

Let me know if anyone has any idea why. Thanks in advance!

Debugging crashes that happen on devices can be done using XCode and Android Studio. Just launch your app using either one of these two commands, depending on which target you want to test:

fuse build -tandroid -d
fuse build -tios -d

The -d flag means “open in editor”. Of course you need either XCode and/or Android Studio installed.

Once the editors open, you can enable breakpoints and start a debug build, then see what the stack trace shows when the app dies.

Aside from that, I’m looking at this line in your code:

var guid = UUID.getUUID();

If your app is crashing on Android, then perhaps you have a problem in the implementation of that foreign method. One related to permissions. See this for details.