Does `fetch` method support HTTPS?


I had a problem accessing https address with fetch on my own server, then I tried several public API with https address and found out that some of them resulting an empty object

There are several sites that not working with the fetch API in fusetools

At first I thought that this has something to do with certificate since those address is using Comodo Positive SSL as mine. After another test with different address, I found that there are address with Comodo Positive SSL that working fine, then I redirect my suspicion to the server configuration

I use HAProxy in front of two NodeJS server, and put SSL on the HAProxy side. Then I tried to remove the HAProxy and enable SSL directly on the NodeJS, and the fetch is working. And then I put back the HAProxy now with HAProxy just TCP forwarding and SSL is installed on each nodeJS server, and it’s work :slight_smile:

I cannot conclude the root cause of this issue, but maybe this has something to do with the server side configuration. I hope you can find the root cause or at least a workaround how to configure the server to be compatible with the fetch API


Hi Sahal, thanks for useful information. Are you also on OSX?

Hi Anders, I am on OSX :slight_smile:

This still seem to be an issue. Works on iOS but not in the OSX Simulator which renders the local preview completely useless :frowning:

Yes, this is an issue in Mono. We are going to switch to another implementation but this is not done yet. Sorry for this.

Hi! I hope it will be fixed soon!

Sorry this has taken a long time but it will be fixed.

hello, is this fixed?

bump, is this fixed?

No, not yet. The team will certainly get back to this thread when it is.

I believe we hit the same problem as well after switching our headless CMS from HTTP to HTTPS.

Similar to @Sahal our certificate was issued by Comodo and installed on our load balancer instead of the individual servers.

May I know if a fix will be there soon? If not, we might have to consider reorganising our certificates to make it work…

Faced the same issue - when running a preview on macOS, fetch method promise does not resolves nor rejects the request - it just hangs.

Hi, I have the same issue. Did you get the solution??

Waiting for someone to help me with the issue?